Reader API

The Reader API is a Node.js API that lets you read Keystatic content from your file system.


The code can only run on the server, and not in the browser.


First, import the createReader function, as well as your Keystatic config file:

*import* { createReader } *from* '@keystatic/core/reader'
import keystaticConfig from '../../keystatic.config'

You can then create a new reader by calling createReader and passing it two parameters:

  1. the path (relative to root) to the content files (as specified in the directory property of a given collection/singleton)
  2. the Keystatic config

Here’s an example:

const reader = createReader('', keystaticConfig)

The reader will now give you access to the following async functions:

For collections

You can get an array of slugs for a given collection with:

const slugs = await reader.collections.{collectionName}.list() 

You can get the data for a specific collection entry with:

const entry = await reader.collections.{collectionName}.read(slug)

For singletons

You can get the data for a specific singleton with:

const data = await reader.singletons.{singletonName}.read()

Remember: this code cannot run in the browser, as it’s using some Node.js APIs.

Good places to use the Reader API are:

  • getStaticProps in Next.js
  • the frontmatter in Astro files
  • the loader() function in Remix

The Document field’s structured data

If you retrieve content from a document field in Keystatic, you’ll get a JSON object with structured data.

It can be a lot of work to turn this data object as HTML to render it on a page.

Luckily, Keystatic also provides a [DocumentRenderer component]( that does all the heavy lifting for you, and is highly customisable.